Thursday, April 2, 2009

Bad blog mom! Bad!

Already falling down on my serious intention to keep up here! It has been that kind of a week! I need a vacation. I have made a huge list of things to post about, but that is as far as I have gotten.... Sad, huh?

Now I am going to take pictures during the commercials of Grey's Anatomy (re-run, damnit!), and get some of this list dealt with!

1. I have lost 15 pounds. I am so excited, and completely amazed! I have cheated copiously on my diet for nearly a whole week. Maybe it is true that cheating on a diet in a limited way once in a while jump starts the metabolism....

2. I got fabric for my Betty Shopper. As a matter-of-fact, I went a little nuts at the 7.99 fabric store! I am determined to get it done before Stitches, so that I can fill it with beautiful new yarn! The initial plan was to make the outside of the bag out of the yellow with polka-dots and the interior out of the green stripy. Now I madly love the green stripy for the outside and I will get something like a blue cotton duck for the interior. The other fabric was a remnant that was only 4.00 a yard!! Ahhh, fabric choices!

3. I received my summer yarn from KnitPicks. I LOVE the colors I chose. The purple Shine Sport is for the lacy v-neck tank from Classic Elite and the red Cot-Lin was intended for a top-down, raglan, cap-sleeved tee, but now I can't decide, 'cause I got the pattern for Camillia.... I guess some guage swatching is in the future for me. But not until....

4. ...I am very close to half way through with the You-tee. I have perservered, and the back is finished. I have started decreasing the front piece, and I am DETERMINED to get it done before I start any other knitting projects. Sewing projects don't count!! Barring any supremely stupid moves on my part, it should come together pretty quickly.... Can you hear me knocking on wood????

5. I got used Kim Hargraeves books on Amazon, Denim People and The Kim Hargreaves Collection. The Collection is pretty stirrup-pants-y, but the designs are still so beautiful. I wish I was good enough to change the shape of the sweaters while still keeping the overall feel of the design. Denim People is very up-to-date, however, and there are a couple that I really like. I am quickly building an ambitious mountain of projects that I will never be able to climb.... I have never let that stop me, though!

There were many, many other line items on my list, but I am pretty tuckered out this evening.... Ask me later about my suddenly up-in-the-air vacation plans....

Here is what Emily the Kitty thinks of the whole thing:
She believes that all our problems could be solved by sleeping in the sink. (Ignore the need-to-be-cleaned state of the sink!)

1 comment:

lunaticraft said...

Very nice fabric. You know, I used to sew... once upon a time... I still buy fabric all the time, but it always ends up as blog photo backdrops instead of being sewn up. Darn Ravelry, keeping me away from my sewing machine.

And CONGRATS! On the 15 pounds! =D