Friday, February 13, 2009

Nan nears completion.

I did it! All the pieces are knit! I am very excited to be almost done with this project, which has seemed to take most of my life to work on.... I have a three day weekend, so I should be able to finish it before I come back to work. I know the Mom will be thrilled.... If I can get it sewn together tonight, I can get the crocheted edge done in the next couple of days and she can wear it to her conference! It will be so, so nice to finish....

I have asked for vacation for Tuesday and Wednesday. I don't think I am going to get it, though. I am planning to go to the beach with the Mom, but I would have to come back Tuesday morning at this rate, so I don't know if I am going to go.... We shall see closer to Sunday morning, when I have to decide.

Does it say something about my knitting-nerdiness or my advancing spinsterhood that I have considered cancelling my movie plans with my friend Julie tonight just so that I can work on sewing a sweater together?

Sadly, I didn't even get the chance.... She cancelled because of a cold before I could decide! Is that a weird kind of friend Valentine's Day rejection? (I know she did not mean it that way. I am just sensitive as the dreaded day approaches!)

Pictures to follow of Nan-in-Progress!

PS- Got my two new Amy Butler patterns.... Love!

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