Here it is, almost done! Thirty squares knitted, blocked, sewn together! I didn't do a very good job capturing the details in the above photo, but it is fantastic! And so warm... here in the 99 degree weather... while I have the whole thing in my lap trying to put on the i-cord edging! The good news is that the i-cord edging is going MUCH faster than I ever believed possible:
And it's pretty, too!! I chose a colorway online to do the edging, and I am not entirely loving it. Above is one of the brightest sections, but much of it is grey and dark green. Not bad, just not exactly what I hoped for. Though, if it had been bright, would I be here talking about how obnoxiously it stood out on its own? Who knows. What it all boils down to is that I don't hate the colors and that I am seriously glad that I chose to make the effort for the attached i-cord edging!!
Next installment: DEATH BY ENDS TO TIE IN! Cue the horror movie creepy music....
dum dum dum dum(horror music lol)
Your blanket came out great I love the variety of colors. I want to learn to seam(my seaming looks like a little kid did it) so I can make blankets like that.
Very impressive!
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